
Catalyst Arts

Catalyst Arts is a response to these accelerating times and is preparing the human systems in this era of change.

The effect of living in these times is that we have to deal with too much, too quickly and have to do too many things at once. The demands of the world we live in are increasing.

This causes us to not be in tune with our natural self, to have excessive expectation, inner contradiction, dispersion, stress and loss of focus and concentration.


Nunc et

ultricies ligula. Sed venenatis vulputate libero, id ullamcorper lectus tincidunt id. Cras ut aliquam metus, ac sollicitudin sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean accumsan nulla sit amet imperdiet viverra. Vestibulum id ante vel leo interdum dictum.


Pellentesque erat

eros, fermentum at fringilla ut, mattis ut quam. Praesent interdum id quam sed euismod. Nullam faucibus auctor nunc. Nulla placerat efficitur tortor, a tempor massa elementum et. Vestibulum convallis ut lectus eu varius. Etiam aliquam lacus nulla.


Sed tincidunt

fringilla consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus at ante pharetra libero elementum malesuada. Donec porta justo id arcu molestie maximus. Duis suscipit consectetur nisl, ac efficitur sem.

What is it

Catalyst Arts is an exploratory training and practical adventure that supports a person in gathering themselves.

It is an in- and outdoor practical engagement to become better prepared and fit at all levels.

It provides ecologies where you are given ways, means and opportunities for self-discovery.

It offers experiences through games, trials and tasks in which you can explore, discover and develop yourself.

It teaches you ways to unblock, realign, have joy, feel, focus, unify parts of yourself and have easy victories.

It provides the understanding that the human is not a one-thing but consists of many lives which are meant to work in harmony. 

the benefit, what can be expected

Catalyst Arts offers an ecology that provides joy, self-discovery, new experience, enhancement, trust and confidence.
Through its technology and exercises you become more fit at different levels. It strengthens the immune system and causes a greater overall well-being. It balances the electric and magnetic lives, unifies and tunes the different parts of the human systems.

Integer mollis aliquet nunc, vitae venenatis odio. Vivamus accumsan nunc in mauris eleifend, ut lacinia augue sodales. Aenean tristique porttitor est et imperdiet. Phasellus posuere, enim et blandit dapibus, nibh nisl sollicitudin elit, et vestibulum velit neque vel nisi

André Vegter

dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu viverra purus. Donec interdum ullamcorper tincidunt. Proin luctus in quam sed placerat. In congue pharetra lorem, sit amet laoreet diam dapibus sed. Aenean ut faucibus ante. Pellentesque sollicitudin iaculis lacus, quis bibendum turpis scelerisque vitae. Aenean tincidunt, ligula in pellentesque finibus, augue tellus congue sem, in dignissim dolor massa vitae neque. Donec fermentum leo ac convallis sagittis.